Construction Techniques: Rammed Earth – A sustainable Construction Solutions in a Climate Changing World.

From early days, rammed earth has been used for construction given its sustainability and affordability. It is one of the oldest building materials used for years. Rammed earth has shown its capabilities to resist extreme whether thus becoming the best solutions for the climate change that brings earthquakes and other disastrous dangers to the infrastructure.

In Rwanda, Rammed earth will be a good solution like everywhere else in the world. For the past three years, Clezol emerged as a number one rammed earth and construction materials producer in Rwanda. Been working on couple real estate projects including RICA, & UMVA among other construction projects, Clezol’s team developed professionals, and facilities to help them bring the solutions to the Rwanda’s construction industry and to the region.

To reiterate, the World needs newly improved construction techniques to help in navigating the climate change effects. On the other hand, cost affordable solutions to help in reducing the cost be it finance or time it takes to raise any construction project.


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Construction Techniques: Rammed Earth – A sustainable Construction Solutions in a Climate Changing World.

Construction Techniques: Rammed Earth – A sustainable Construction Solutions in a Climate Changing World.
